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Sunday, March 17, 2013

REVISED Action Research Plan

Below is my REVISED Action Research Plan. It's a little more concise. Please, let me know your thoughts! :)


  1. As a secondary teacher in a school district that has just implemented a 1:1 Ipad plan for every student in every high school, studies like this are becoming more and more interesting to me. I believe that technology can be used productively in the classroom, however, I believe that in many cases the assumption is made that the students are already technologically fluent with these devices. I do not believe that they are. I believe that they might be fluent in gaming, messaging, and social media, but that time will need to be spent to teach students to use applications that are classroom appropriate. I am interested to see whether your findings indicate that the students are truly using their devices for other than a note taking device. When teachers take the time to train or expose students to using new applications, does it put the class behind the class that is not using the tablet? How long does it take students to become proficient in using the Ipad and to be productive with it? How often are students off task and redirected? What happens when work with the Ipad is not completed? If the Ipads are a class set, then when is work completed? So, you can see that I am interested in following your findings and that I wish you all the best! Have a great week!

  2. Noel. Thank you for your comments and insight. I can see by looking at yours that I have a long way to go on mine. I think your plan is very detailed and follows the 8 steps as directed. I didn't understand that part on how to fill it out. On your plan I believe you are going to find it very interesting. Although we don't have school issued ipads, we have implemented something called BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) and we are allowing students to bring whatever they have, i.e. cell phones, etc. We are a Title 1 school so not all of our children have technology and we tried to make sure that those that don't have are afforded the opportunity to use something. That is definitely a challenge. Also making sure that they are only using it for school purposes is a huge challenge. Good luck on your findings. Thanks again for helping me out.

    1. We have BYOT as well. It's sort of a pain! Kids always use the "I thought we could BYOT today" as an excuse for having their phones out. OR, if you take up their cell phones, they say, "Well, I need that for 4th period because we have BYOT." So, then you can't take it up. We are a Title I Campus as well, so I know what you mean about the kids who don't have, and trying to provide for them. I'm hoping I get some real answers with my research, because there HAS to be a better method! :) Thanks for your input!

  3. We do not have ipads for all of our students and not sure if there is a difference in using ipads and laptops. I agree with an earlier comment that out students are not as savy with technology based computer work etc. If they have questions that require someone to explain what procedures to get them started, then that is wasted time spent before an assignment can ever be started. I do agree once the student learns how to get started and can remember log in pocedures and where to look for tools to finsih assignments, laptops and ipads can be used for instant success. How many of your students have access or own ipads can be part of the survey, because if they are only accessible at school, then continuing eduacation and learning stops once the student leaves the school.

  4. My school has just received an opportunity to increase our number of iPads, so I'm right on track with your wonderings about the effectiveness of utilizing iPads in my 2nd grade classroom. Currently, I can envision a lot of usefulness in creating projects and presentations. However, I'm interested to know how much a 2nd grade student would be able to use one for other, more "regular" assignments and classwork. I'm interested to see what you find out, and I'll let you know how our iPad implementation goes.
