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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Action Research Plan

My action research inquiry is: Is technology being utilized effectively in the classroom, and what can we do to help teachers utilize technology (ie iPads, tablets, etc) more effectively for retention of information, student engagement, and assessment scores?

For this, I will be observing 2 teachers teach the same lesson; one with technology (iPads), and the other without. Before hand, I will give a pre-test to both classes to assess their current knowledge of the topic. During the lesson, I will observe student engagement and attentiveness in both classes. After, I will give a post-test to determine which students retained more information, and which students had higher test scores.

 After all research is completed, I may ask to present my findings at a staff meeting, and provide suggestions for implementing these iPads into the classrooms more effectively!

Any suggestions on this topic would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks in advance!

1 comment:

  1. Your research topic is interesting. Our district has a few elementary schools piloting use of Ipads in fifth grade science classrooms. I have wondered if after the novelty wears off, will the use of the Ipad still provide for a more engaging lesson? You might consider adding more time to your research. The outcome might be different after repeated student exposure to the use of this kind of technology in the class room. I look forward to seeing your plan at the end of the week!
